A digital community built through physical contact

Mad Props is a digital community of car enthusiasts built through spreading the love with Props, a physical "like" button

Learn more

Leave Props when you see a super sweet ride.

You can attach a picture or message to the Prop to personalize the note and make someone's day.

How to spread the love

Bring it near your phone.

These Props are collectible. You can claim the ones that people left for you, and regift them when you see a whip worthy of praise.

Bring the card near your phone then follow the link to claim your new Props!

  • Chat

    Every Prop can start a conversation. Once another user receives the card you can strike up a conversation to learn more about their car or say thanks.

  • History

    Each time a Prop is passed on to a new owner it records its history. View the journey the prop has gone through and what type of cars it has been given to.

  • Community

    Join the Mad Props Discord community to chat with other members of the club and find new pals to drive with.

    Join Discord